Back to the daily grind

Finally back from Hilton Head and the beach.  It is good to be home and surrounded by all things familiar, but I miss the beach already.  The old marine biologist in me hates to leave the ocean behind.  Not sad to see the pillows go, though.  I swear Marriott has the worst pillows ever manufactured.  Normally I bring my own, but I forgot this time.  I had a blinding, light-behind-the-eyes headache yesterday, and I’m sure that’s why.  That and the unending cicada song is enough to drive a person mad.

Only a few weeks left until the CHA summer show in Chicago.  I need to buckle down and keep my nose to the grindstone to be ready in time and avoid my usual pre-show frenzy.   I’ll need a plethora of lists to keep it all straight.  I’m way too old for all-nighters, but it seems to be unavoidable the week before a show.

I haven’t been ambitious enough to download photos from the trip yet, so here’s a card I made a few months ago to decorate the post.  Paper and swirl is Cosmo Cricket, chipboard and stamp from Technique Tuesday, and crystals by Creative Crystal.

Until next time…

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  1. Love that card Carla! And you’ve got me longing to go back to Hilton Head. We used to vacation there every year but the 15 hour drive just got to us and we’ve inched closer and closer to our home turf over the years. I can still picture those sunsets at Harbourtown.