Frequently Asked Questions

Why printables?

Print-at-home art and party kits are a convenient, economical way to get the unique look you want for your home or event.  You can print as many copies as you need, whenever you need them.  Need last minute decorations?  Have the urge to redecorate at 3am?  No problem!

What will happen after I order my printables?

Once purchased from my Etsy store, digital PDF files will be sent instantly, often bundled in zip files.  *No physical product will be sent or received.*  Double-clicking on the zip file will automatically unzip the file on most current computer software.  If your computer does not have this software installed, you will need to download  file decompression software such as Winzip.

You will need FREE Adobe Reader software to open, customize (if applicable), and print your files.  Each page of printables is designed to print on 8.5×11 paper on your home printer.

What kind of paper should I use to print?

Prints will look best using a bright white card stock or premium heavyweight matte paper.  In general, matching brand of paper to brand of printer works well.  The regular print setting is usually fine.  I recommend a test print before printing the entire batch.

Keep in mind images look slightly different on a monitor than on a printed page.  If you do not have a printer at home, files can be taken to a local printer or office store.

Fabulous!  Then what?

After your files are printed, cut out pieces.  For straight edges like those on art printables, invitations, bottle wraps and party squares, I use a paper trimmer (available at craft or office supply stores).  I use small sharp scissors for the cupcake wrappers, and craft punches for the party circles.  Assemble using double-sided tape.  Each printed page also contains  brief instructions for using printed artwork.  Find out more about my favorite supplies for using printables.

What size circle punches?

The party circles are designed for 2″ circle  or scalloped circle punches.   The circles print at 2.25″ to give some extra room for imperfect punching, so no exact science required.

What size envelopes should i use?

Invitations fit in a standard A-7 envelope and postcard-style thank you cards fit in an A-6.

Can I change the colors or designs of the files after I receive them?

Sorry, all artwork is copyrighted through the US Copyright Office.  Aside from changing the text on the customizable files, no modifications may be made to any of the designs.  More information can be found in the Terms of Use.

How about the fonts?

Unfortunately, no.  The Adobe Reader software does not allow fonts or font colors to be changed.  I’ve tried to choose a complementary font for each collection, using fonts that come standard on most Windows and OS x software.

How can I use my printable files?

These designs are for your own personal, non-commercial use.  Reselling or sharing the artwork, files, or projects made from the printed artwork is not permitted.  More information can be found in the Terms of Use.    Printing and using the printable party kits as they are intended to be used is expected.  A link to the party kit in any online mention of parties using the artwork is appreciated.