Halloween Goodie Bag Tags–Make Punched Tags in Bulk
Need classroom goodie bags? Last-minute Halloween party favors? Use craft punches to make tag decorations that will help quickly decorate Halloween goodie bags in larger batches.
These Halloween goodie bag tags were made using only craft punches, paper, cotton twine, and liquid glue. Two decorative punches make up the bulk of the tag, so making the tags in bulk is an easy assembly line process.
To make the background for the tags, I used a 2″ scalloped square craft punch and sheets of 12×12 patterned scrapbook paper. Punching out all the squares at one time makes the process go faster. Once those were completed, I punched out all the jack-o-lantern pieces using the other punch, and used liquid glue to attach them to the scalloped squares.
Once I had the two decorative pieces attached together, I only needed to add a tie to the tags. I used a 1/8″ circle hole punch and simple cotton twine I had already pre-cut to 12″ lengths. (If time is super-crunched, just attach the tag directly to the bag using glue, tape, or staple).
This little goodie bag is a die-cut, but these craft punched goodie bag tags can also be tied to cellophane bags, small gift bags and buckets, or even plain lunch-sized bags filled with treats.
Happy Halloween, and watch for little ones! Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time…