Hoping the "flitting" is gone.


Poor neglected blog!

I’ve been bouncing around like a gnat on caffeine these last few weeks, flitting here and there doing everything and nothing all at once.    I’ve been on a 2 week steroid pack for poison oak I managed to find while geocaching, despite looking carefully.

I realized, while taking the pack, that my brain functions in slow, methodical processes.   I like to take my time and make sure a task is completed thoroughly before I move to the next one.   While this method has it’s imperfections (ie.  the long list of uncompleted tasks always waiting their turns), I can be sure that my current task will be completed well.

But for the last 2 weeks, I have been experiencing life as a “flitter”.   From a land somewhere beyond my comprehension, this “flitting” took over my brain, and turned me into a mess of random chaos.

Put away glass…see water spot…water…laundry…add load to washer…see random toy, take to kid’s bedroom…notice stray shoe, take to closet…”hey, how did that get here”…”I should take down the shelf in the dining room”…walk through the kitchen, see the dishwasher still open and full…

Definitely NOT my usual nature, and it drove me crazy.  I’m glad it’s done and my regular brain has returned to it’s plodding, sedate pace.   Welcome back sanity!

Until next time…

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  1. I hate to tell you, dear, but the flitting state gets worse as you age. I should know. 😉

  2. nikimeiners says:

    there is no normal in the other than on the cycle on the washing machine!

  3. Welcome to my world! One of the things I noticed immediately about you when I met you and saw your beautiful art work was your ability to FOCUS. I was so blown away, as its not a trait that is true to my own nature. Yeah, life as a “flitter” (great word, btw) is chaos, but you get used to it eventually. Trust me. Here’s hoping that you return to your normal, discliplined self soon. I need someone to look up to! — Jen