Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop:Hanging Frame

I hope you are enjoying the Thanksgiving edition of the Triple Play Blog Hop!   Eileen’s frame die is fantastic!

Unfortunately I made a giant Thanksgiving blunder, and after spending time making my project last week I forgot to take a photo of it before I left for the holiday.  So my project will be a little late this week.  I promise to have it up ASAP after I return.

UPDATE:  Here’s the project:

Sizzix Eileen Hull Frame wall hanging

There were so many possibilities with this frame I had a hard time choosing which pieces to use!

I began by using the frame back, and using Mod Podge to decoupage a great funky fabric on top, with an extra coat on top to seal.  I love the look of Clearsnap Chalk ink on white matboard, I think it gives a great soft finish.  I inked the small postage stamp frame orange, and half of the scalloped frame green.  I used Smooch to color the flowers and give them a shimmer.

After the pieces were dry, all that was left was the assembly.  Velvet ribbon forms the flower leaves and stems, with half-pearls as the centers.  The scalloped frame half is glued to the back side to form the hanger.

Thanks for stopping by, even though I was late!


Use the graphic over here —————————————> to keep hopping!

Until next time…

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  1. brendapinnick says:

    Carla, at first I thought your Thanksgiving blduner was the classic – you forgot to take the “in-erds” out of your project and accidently served it up with gizzards and livers….

    cannot wait to see your project! xxoo

  2. Carla, just saw this. Very cool. Love how you combined the pieces and especially how you made the one mat the hanger… never would have thought of that. Love it!